Saturday, January 16, 2010

Phantom Pains After Appendix Removal Pain After Having My Appendix Out?

Pain after having my appendix out? - phantom pains after appendix removal

I had my system two weeks ago. I went with the minimally invasive surgery, I have normal post-operative pain, and last week the pain subsided, but I always have the same pain I had before it the pain that led by appendicitus, stabbing pains stabbing pain in the lower abdomin right and vice versa. Is it like a phantom pain that people feel like the members if they were deleted?


dopegirl said...

Phantom pain does usually occur after surgery. I would my doctor for an examination. You can get what is called the formation of adhesions after surgery, you should check.

Your Secret Guardian Angel said...

I propose to call a doctor. I know someone in the last few weeks were the same, appendix, and the pain afterwards. He learned that some of the plant have not been properly implemented.

I am not saying that this has happened to you, but I do recommend a doctor or a hospital visit soon, if it worsens.

Hope this helps

Ross M said...

He had the same random pain in my appendix. I do not think this is nothing terrible in view of the fact that surgeons do a good job to eliminate them. However, I recommend to see a doctor only snacks and be sure to call NHS Direct. Good luck!

Ginger said...

I had no pain like in my system out. Did they say whether the inflamed appendix was definitely? Sometimes they leave the system and then realize that there is nothing wrong with that and other things because of the pain the whole time. It is rare - but possible.

Johnwe said...

I think you should call NHS Direct immediately. Do not wait for more answers, do it!
Good luck!

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